Apple Cold Storage Room

Mentioned in sacred books and empowered its fame through mythological stories, originated in Tian Shan Mountains, stretched near the border between Kazakhstan and China

Although the best way of storing apples is known as cooling, apple producers don’t store apples with this method anymore.

The atmosphere in apple storages is controlled, and the level of oxygen is reduced to minimum through cutting-edge technology.

Therefore, increased carbon dioxide level slightly regulates natural aspiration of the fruit. In these types of storage rooms, ethylene absorbers remove ethylene gas, which is released by apples and causes the aging process quickly and is repressed with the help of 1 MCP systems.

Humidifiers control the level of humidity in these rooms. Thanks to this excellent coordination, some apple varieties can be stored at 0°C for over a year without being wasted. The apples stored in controlled atmosphere rooms have much longer shelf life.




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